Start a new document 500x500 and fill the background with
black. Then create a new layer.
now go to Filter->Render->3D
Transform. On the "3D Transform" box, select the ROUND shape tool . and draw a shape on the
canvas, look at my image below.
Then use the trackball tool and rotate your shape so you
get something like below
Now click on the OPTIONS button (from above screenshot),
change the Resolution and Anti-aliasing both to HIGH. Click
ok, then click ok again to exit the 3D transform mode.
Now you should have something like mine.
Now duplicate the 3D shape layer. (Right click on the layer
and select Duplicate Layer).
Now hide the top layer. Then go to Layer->Merge
-------> |
Now to create the ray of light effect, do the following
steps. (we will now be working on the background layer, leave
the top layer alone for now).
1. Go to Filter->Distort->Polar
Co-ordinates: Set: Polar to Rectangular. VIEW 2. Image->Rotate
Canvas->90CW. VIEW 3.
Method: Wind. Direction:
From the right VIEW 4.
Image->Rotate Canvas->90CCW VIEW 5.
Filter->Distort->Polar Co-ordinates:
Set Rectangular to Polar.
Now you should have something like
Now go to Filter->Distort->Ocean
Ripple. Ripple Size: 15. Ripple Maginitude: 6
Now use the eliptical marquee tool to make a selection
of the image like I have below. (just inside the circle).
Now go to Select->Inverse. then
Select->Feather, and enter 5
Now go to Filter->Blur->Radial Blur,
and set the following:
Now you should have this:
Now go to: Filter->Sharpen->Unsharp
Mask. and set: Amount: 500%.
Radius: 5. Threshold: 35
Now make a selection like in the previous step (the step
before the last), Inverse, Feather by 10. and then Radial
Now, we will work on the top layer. Click on the eye to
un-hide it, and click on it to make it the working layer.
Now go to Filter->Blur->Radial Blur.
and just reapply the previous settings.
Now go to Filter->Distort->Ocean
Ripple: Set the Ripple size to 15,
and Magintude to 20.
Now set this layer's blending mode to: Difference.
You should now have this:
Now click on the new Adjustment layer icon to create a new
"Color Balance" layer.
Now, for each of the options " Shadows, midtones and
highlights, just move your color sliders to adjust the colors,
play around and you can get some really cool colors.
Alternatively, you can use the Hue/Saturation option
Instead of setting the blending mode of the top layer to
difference, play around with different modes to get different
effects. Heres a few variations:
Blending mode: Normal
Blending mode: Linear Burn:
To find out how the above one was made, download the PSD
file, its easy.
NOTE: theres a little illusion
with the above image, try to just look at one spot on the
planet, and keep your eye on there, and you will see that its