This is my second tut. Not the best�but at least it has a cool name.
1) Open a New document of any size, with transparent back ground..
2) Scribble around a bit with various colors. Don�t fill the whole doc.
3) Apply Filter> Stylized> Emboss (mess with settings)
4) Apply Filter> Stylized>Extrude (1 to 2 times)
5) Apply Filter> Stylized>Glowing edges
6) Apply Filter> Distort>Diffused glow (many times till there is lots of white)
7) Make new layer and fill with black. (place on bottom)
8) Double click on the Layer to open layer styles
9) Click on texture and choose the Herringbone 2 pattern
10) Scale around 320 and depth around 42 (but this depends on the doc. Size)
11) Merge layers
12) Apply>Filter>Blur>Radial Blur at 45 and on ZOOM
13) Now it time to mess with colors. Open
curves. Command M. or Image>adjustments>curves. And play around
with ALL: RGB, Red, Green And Blue.
14) Voila! Fin.
End result:
Alt. Results
Hope someone can find this usefull